Product Details:

Povisep Cream®
Povidone-Iodine 6%
Povisep® Cream: Each gram contains Povidone-Iodine USP 60 mg (6 mg available Iodine)
Povisep® Cream
Therapeutically:As an adjunct to systemic therapy
in the following indications-
- Primary or secondary topical infections
- Infected surgical incisions
- Infected decubitus or stasis ulcers
- Pyodermas
- Secondarily infected dermatoses
- Infected traumatic lesions
Prophylactically : - To prevent microbial contaminations in burns,
incisions and other topical lesions - For degerming skin in hyperalimentation, the
umbilical area or circumcision - Its use for abrasions, minor cuts, and wounds
prevents the development of infections and
permits wound healing.
Povisep® Cream 6% : 5 g & 25 g in tube pack.