Product Details:



Nonyl Alkyl Poly Ethelene Oxide, Iodine complex providing available Iodine 10%. Stabilizers & Emulsifiers : Q.S. 


  1. It is a most potent product which actively and effectively kills virus, bacteria, fungus and protozoa in aqua culture ponds.
  2. Prevent the chances of occurring of disease outbreaks to shrimp/prawn from microbial pathogens, such as -
  3. Bacterial infections : Vibriosis, Salmonella, Psuedomonas, etc.
  4. Virus infections : MBV, etc.
  5. Fungal infections : Tail rot, Swollen gills, etc.
  6. Protozoan infections : Vorticella Zoothamnium, etc.
  7. Controls the external wounds/injuries on shrimp body/gills, etc.


500 mL and 11tr. plastic container.