Product Details:

Aphrodin® Capsule®
Qurs Muqavvi Khas
Each capsule contains Alpenia galanga 50.00 mg, Myristica fragrans 20.00mg, Sizygium aromaticum 5.00 mg, Crocus sativus 20.00 mg, Strychnos nuxvomica 5.00 mg; Treated cantharides 5.00 mg, Testicular extract 5.00 mg,Musk xylol 5.00 mg, Ambra grasea 24.00 mg, Argentum oxidacum 16.00 mg, Treated asphaltum 30.00 mg, Hen's egg yolk 60.00 mg & other ingredients q.s.
1. lmproves sexual performance
2. Increases sexual desire, erection, retention,
intensity and ensures optimal mutual satisfaction
3. Promotes spermatogenesis and improves sperm count and motility and helps to correct infertility.
4. Strengthens neuromuscular tone and corrects neurasthenia. Restores depleted sexual power and checks premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction and nervous debility
5. Relieves limpness and weakness after coitus
6. Also Corrects frigidity with lack of orgasm in the
Box containing 2 x 5 capsules of blister pack.